Evaluating networks
As both a coordinator and an evaluator of networks I have been frustrated at the lack of understanding about this organisational form or way of working despite the growing popularity of networks in the world of development policy and practice. The proposal for a roundtable was presented to the 3ie Conference on "Perspectives of Impact Evaluation" because of this frustration. (For more information about the conference check their website ) The roundtable was conceptualised in collaboration with three colleagues: Kate Czuczman from the International Forum for Rural Transport and Development ( www.ifrtd.org ), Sheila Oparaocha from ENERGIA ( www.energia.org ) and Paul Starkey, author of Networking for development ( P.H.Starkey@reading.ac.uk ), but unfortunately none of them could come to Cairo. We decided, in the true spirit of networking, that we would draw the 'expertise' for the roundtable from among the participants at the Conference. Finally, there were sevente...