Empowering women through entrepreneurship and reaching the last mile
I spent three days last week in Nairobi, Kenya at the Advisory Group Meeting of ENERGIA, the international network on gender and sustainable energy. ENERGIA, led by its beautiful and energetic head, Sheila Operaocha, has transformed itself from a network of organisations (mainly NGOs working with women and renewable energy technologies) interested in mainstreaming gender into energy projects and programmes and empowering poor women, to a 15 million euro programme intent on providing energy services to poor women, through fostering women’s entrepreneurship in the energy services sector. The goal of empowering women and going to the last mile to address energy poverty is still part of the network’s vision, but this fifth phase programme is a huge step up (up?) from what it was doing before, and the organisations delivering the programme ( Solar Sisters , Kopernic etc) are much better described as social entrepreneurs rather than NGOs. Interestingly Practical Action