Saw a whole lot of cut branches in the CEPA parking lot last evening.. not sure yet, how we responded to our landlord's request to cut down or trim the tree that was overrun with caterpillars, because they (the caterpillars) were interfering with the neighbours' grandchildren's play! Hope we trimmed the branches as Karin suggested (thank goodness for our resident environmentalist and tree lover!) and didn't bring the whole tree down. Will find out tomorrow. The request itself is worth a moment of thought. As Karin pointed out, caterpillars are seasonal. When I was a child we just learned to avoid the trees with caterpillars, and if we were unfortunate to be get them on our skin, we were treated for the itch. There was no question of cutting down trees for our comfort! Seem to remember that caterpillars turn into butterflies and moths, that they are food for the birds, and are essentially a part of the green environment. Given that it takes several ye...