Was at the first session of the Institute of Policy Studies, State of the Economy 2012, annual conference, om Wednesday which launched their State of the Economy report, on the rather unfortunate theme "How can Sri Lanka stay on the Growth Expressway?" I can see that following the budget and the reduction in import duties on racing cars, there can be snide remarks about what sort of Formula 1 racing is going to take place on the growth express way, remarks made by people who don't like the idea of the unmitigated commitment to growth that the theme implies, and fast tracked growth to boot. (Admittedly such people could be very few and far between, these days). For me, "staying on the growth expressway" conjurs an impression of driving fast for fast sake without any idea of destination or purpose. Publication presented to the audience through a video and an e-book. Chief Guest: Tissa Vitharana, Senior Ministe...