
Showing posts from October, 2013

Fairness and technology justice

Yesterday the Sunday Times had an article on the Dark is Beautiful campaign of which Nandita Das is a leader.  (Dark is Beautiful also has a facebook page  if you want to follow their campaign).  I used the fairness cream cosmetic industry as a particular South Asian example of technology injustice in a roundtable on the subject  at Practical Action's recent Green Technology Exhibition.    Technology justice is a concept that has become the rallying call of Practical Action  (formerly ITDG and now transformed into Janathakshan in Sri Lanka) Technology Justice is defined by Practical Action as “the right of people to decide, choose and use technologies that assist them in leading the kind of life they value without compromising the ability of others and future generations to do the same.”  An understanding of the concept is  generated largely through its opposite, technology injustice – and the focus seems to be on recognizing the unequal e...