
Welcome to Pri's foray into the 21st century blogging community.

This is a serious venture. It's not a blog about my personal life. It's a blog about my ideas about my work and the state of the world. Ideas that have been informed through a 30 year period of working in development; I've realised, possibly too late, that when you spend much of your career 'doing things' and also 'facilitating' so that things get done, you have little time to write - and it seems like writing and publishing is the key to ownership and attribution of ideas. So if you don't write, your ideas reach the public domain via other peoples' writings (the lazy option) or that they don't reach there at all (or like Chinese whispers reach there in a rather distorted form). It's the latter situation that this blog will try to mitigate. Maybe when I get to that stage where I am no longer doing or facilitating, then I could collate the thoughts in this blog into some coherent writing..

Till then, welcome to the randomness of this blog.. please feel free to share your comments....

Priyanthi Fernando


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