The Path

Yesterday,Ragi Kadirgamar ‘did a session’ at our work place, which unfortunately I was too late to attend.  What he  offers is Satsang, or spiritual talks based on Advaita teachings.  See below an excerpt from his flyer

Talks & Meetings.

“What are you seeking?”

 If you don’t clearly know what you are seeking,
HOW can you find it, or know it?

And what specifically are the causes of suffering that apparently prevent people from getting
what they want in life?

“How can you live your daily life, in peace and harmony?”

Like his Guru, Ragi guides spiritual seekers away from simply accepting the profound conceptual truth,

Consciousness is I  -  I am Consciousness’,
towards an understanding and acceptance of
manifested life itself –  Acceptance of What Is.
If the reactions of my colleagues, and previous sessions with Ragi are anything to go by, they do a lot for one’s well being.  

But  I have a problem with the question  “What are you seeking?”

Why should you be seeking something?  A  higher goal, a meaning of life.  How about you just make choices about the paths that you wish  to travel in your life’s journey.  Just make a conscious effort to avoid the asphalt, with the steel and glass buildings, and the traffic fumes, and just choose the gravel path, with its green borders , its flowers, its  birdsong.... and then what does it matter where it takes you?


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