Deconstructing Development

The title of my first television interview.  The fact that my sister was almost complimentary suggests it didn't go too badly, except for the cat that is.   And CEPA got the airing it deserved.  So given that it is a landmark in my virtual existence, and it is now out there, I thought I might as well share it on this blog


  1. I would have liked the underlying holistic,structural causes of poverty theme - that was mentioned at the begining of the discussion, developed more.
    Yes, how does one get the power elite to adopt the Ghandian approach to development when their idea of development stems from their own condition and values. The fact that the development policies of one govt. is sometimes completely reversed or altered by a new govt. that takes over the reins, should tell one how inclusive the process is! If the well-connected on McCarthy and Gregory's roads are not notified that century-old trees down their streets are being mowed, what chances of prior notifications and inputs do the poor have??
    Development must first of all be home-grown. It then has to involve a network of local, regional and national-level agencies involved in every aspect of it.
    In the final analysis however, it is questions of "what is the good life", "what is happiness", "what is man's (and woman's!)duty to their fellow man (and woman)and the environment", that should shape any development goals. And how does one get all those 'layers' of Sri Lankan society that Ms. Fernando mentions coming together on these basic philosophical questions. That should be the first goal of 'development' or all CEPA's wonderful research will most certainly just collect dust!
    Finally, no one in the metropolises of the world is going to understand the value of cycling until mother earth turns off her oil spigot. Until then I suggest all activists use the benign, effective medium of photography!


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