Now its Baudhaloka Mawatha - more trees being chopped down

 Colombo residents will remember these three trees near the All Ceylon Buddhist Women's Association beneath which people sold compost and soil.  The area was then taken over for a car park for school vans, and  it is now the site for the new Russian Embassy.   A fence came up, around the trees, and for a while I thought these would be saved from the chainsaw.  But no such luck.  Today I saw the first of these being sawn away... and I guess by the end of the week you will only have these photos (taken in 2007)  left.


  1. This is too cruel, these are 3 of the greatest trees I've ever seen and their going to do away with them? For what reason. Its always something so minimal...

    -Samudaworth Tree Service
    Tree Removal Brooklyn

  2. They are building the new Russian Embassy on that site...


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